图2. ES&T副主编,俄勒冈州立大学Field教授受邀来联合研究中心讲学
Tianjin International Joint Research Center of Exposomics of Emerging Contaminants
In 2016, Tianjin International Joint Research Center on Exposomics of Emerging Contaminants was approved by Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Bureau for construction. The center is an interdisciplinary international joint research and development center, with Hongwen Sun, Professor of the college of environmental science and engineering of Nankai University, as the director. Professor Hongwen Sun is the National Distinguished Young Scholars supported by Natural Science Foundation of China. Her research direction is environmental pollution chemistry,chemical human exposure and health outcomes and remediation of polluted sites. The Chinese research team of the center is composed of teachers from the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, the College of Medicine, other disciplines of Nankai University. The joint research center is intended to explore the relationship between chemical exposure and human chronic diseases. Since its establishment, the center has held many interdisciplinary academic seminars in the University, and hosted the Fourth International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health in 2018 and other internal and international academic conferences. The research aims to contribute to the global development of the new discipline of emerging pollutant exposomics via extensive international cooperation.
Figure 1. Appointment ceremony of visiting professor Kannan of Nankai University
Figure 2. Prof. Field, Oregon State University, associate editor in chief of ES & T, was invited to give lectures at the center